
Caring Times features Candesic’s expertise in latest edition

11 Dec 24

With the new Labour government having taken the reins in July 2024, the future of social care in the UK stands at a pivotal crossroads. The question is what lies ahead for the sector under labour as they grapple with continuing workforce and resource challenges, delayed transfers of care and ...

Does SEN safeguarding provision go far enough?

8 Apr 24

When the parents and carers of the UK's 1.5m children with special educational needs (SEN) drop them off at school each morning, they have the right to believe safeguarding is a paramount priority.There are new government and Ofsted directives to make sure that is the case, strengthening ...

How technology solutions can play a critical role in care homes

7 Feb 24

Candesic experts Dr Leonid Shapiro (Managing Partner) and Kristoffer Kenttä (Engagement Manager), along with Tony Thiru (Chief Executive of Fulcrum Care Limited) review in CareMarkets UK how technology solutions can play a critical role in care homes. The continued increased ...

From tradition to transformation – the time is ripe for primary care

14 Jan 24

There are three critical missions for any government to deliver to support front line multi-disciplinary team working across primary care: consolidation, care coordination and digital adoption.Primary care is the cornerstone to prevention and population health. General practitioners are the ...

Candesic partner Michelle Tempest discusses online mental health assesments

23 May 23

In a new article by Healthcare Business International, Candesic Senior Partner Dr Michelle Tempest discusses the reliability of online mental health assessments.What different approach can be taken to treat mental health issues such as ADHD and how can we use technology in a beneficial and ...

Candesic Senior Partner Marc Kitten quoted in the latest HBI issue

6 Feb 23

Candesic Senior Partner Marc Kitten shares his point of view in the latest Healthcare Business International issue.Marc Kitten comments on how providers can restore their reputation after facing allegations and what challenges France`s elderly care sector is currently facing.

Professionalising care for People with Intellectual Disabilities in Ireland

8 Jul 22

Dr Leonid Shapiro, Managing Partner, Dr Michelle Tempest, Partner and Phil Carrivick, Manager at Candesic compare how different European countries approach care for People with Intellectual Disabilities (PWID) and investigate whether an increase in the market share of independent provision in ...

Tomorrow in the making immersive education in healthcare

14 Jun 22

Hot off the press "Tomorrow in the Making" an article about immersive healthcare training. Senior Partner, Dr Michelle Tempest absolutely loves new technology and this article aims to inspire operators be creative in the way they train their health and care staff and to help investors match up ...

Mental healthcare capacity for UK teens falls sharply during pandemic

17 Jan 22

Candesic's analysts identified a gap in the mental healthcare market, where hospital beds for teenagers have fallen by a fifth in the last 5 years despite rising demand. In an article from the Financial Times, Dr Michelle Tempest explains the relationship between staff shortages and ...

UK social care reform ‘nowhere near enough’

2 Dec 21

Candesic's Dr Leonid Shapiro has commented on the UK social care reform in the HBI Intelligence.