News Article

The UK FemTech powerhouse

15 April 2024

The UK is poised to challenge the US as a powerhouse in FemTech, the burgeoning sector leveraging technology to address women’s health needs.

This rapidly growing global market could be worth around £103bn by 2030. Belatedly, the economic impact of poor female health and the economic opportunities associated with innovations in this area are being recognized.

Candesic Senior Partner Dr Michelle Tempest and Alina Trabattoni explore the potential of the market in the latest edition of HealthcareMarketsUK LaingBuisson.

While globally, there is limited relevant data, and barriers persist in raising capital, the UK appears on the cusp of truly transformative growth and is fostering a supportive environment in which FemTech is thriving.

Success stories include the likes of Adora Digital Health (founder & CEO Ann O’Neill), Daye (founder & CEO Valentina Milanova) and Dama Health (founder & CEO Elena Rueda).

Huge thanks to the pioneers who collaborated on this piece, including:
• Prof. Danilo Dodero
• Claudia Chisaril
• Sarita Stefani
• Lucanus Polagnoli
• Linda Greub
• Dr Michelle Griffin
• Nadja Auerbach