News Article
Power of healthtech
The path of the entrepreneur can be challenging, but it is hugely rewarding, and there is no better way to learn how to follow it than by listening to those who have already trodden it and met with success.
That was the idea behind a well-attended event yesterday evening, where health professionals, founders, operators, investors, and budding entrepreneurs from the HealthTech ecosystem networked and listened to a punchy talk from speakers who have already made the career jump to entrepreneur. Taking to the stage for an engaging and honest reflection on their experiences at the The BAE HQ x Doctorpreneurs Power of HealthTech event were Lucy Jung (CEO & Founder of Charco) and Farzana Rahman (CEO & Founder of Hexarad).
Candesic Analyst Iham Kasem was in attendance. Key takeaways included:
REJECTION IS PART OF THE PROCESS: You are going to hear “no” a lot – and this is not always bad! There may be something to learn from a rejection, and it is never personal. Remember – just because one investor is not buying into your vision does not mean others will feel the same.
LEARN FROM OTHERS ON THE SAME JOURNEY: Network relentlessly and pay particular attention to those one step ahead of you on a similar journey, you can benefit from their experience. Talk to other founders. How did they get where they are, and achieve their success, and how can you replicate that?
BEING AN ENTREPRENEUR REQUIRES BRAVERY: It is a challenging path. Dedication and perseverance is required. But few things are as rewarding! Hold on to that thought!
FOCUS ON THE WHY: You are in the driving seat. Hold on to your core values and do not compromise. Never forget to remind yourself what it is all for – and why you started on this journey in the first place.
Thanks to HSBC Innovation Banking & Hexarad who sponsored the event, and to the hosts Shamik J Parekh, and Octopus Ventures.