News Article

French Dental Industry LeComident General Assembly

3 June 2024

AI is transforming oral healthcare. From imaging and patient diagnostics to 3D printing and electronic health records, the way dentistry is practiced and the tools and technology available to clinicians are progressing apace.

While this progress is of huge benefit to patients, change brings challenges. Last week, Candesic Associate Dr Marco MAZEVET was invited to the French Dental Industry LeComident General Assembly, alongside 160 representatives of the French dental ecosystem, to find out more.

Roundtable discussions on safety and quality of care put the importance of compliance for equipment and materials centre stage, as counterfeit products are on the rise across the EU.

Congratulations and thanks to all involved in organising a fantastic discussion. Congratulations are also due to the assembly’s new President, Olivier Lafarge, who succeeded Pierre-Yves Le Maout.

Looking for some engaging reading on oral health? Dr Marco MAZEVET has published several publications related to the oral health sector and the dental market, including:

If you would like to know more about opportunities in the oral health market, email [email protected].