News Article

Farwell Candesic summer interns

26 July 2024

This week we bid a fond farewell – for now – to two hardworking interns who have really thrown themselves into their assignments this month and leave Candesic on a positive note.

The whole team wants to wish David O Abe and Raihaan Biju all the best on their new adventures.

David tells us: “I think what I enjoyed most was how solution focused the work was. It was great being able to analyze the business, but also soundly critique the science.

“Working here has changed my way of thinking about and analyzing problems within health care.”

Raihaan adds: “I found myself doing a significant amount of data exploration. It was good to understand the real, good work being done compared to the corporate glitz that can often be associated with consulting.

“I really liked the team aspect when you were on a project. There was a real sense of camaraderie at Candesic, and I got the sense that people here really like each other – I’ll miss that.”

Raihaan and David, always strive to exceed limits, maintain a sense of curiosity, and never underestimate your potential!

Candesic continues to offer a supportive environment to help the next generation of talent to thrive and grow. To find out more about opportunities here, go to our careers page.