Can healthcare learn from online gaming?
12 August 2016Dr Michelle Tempest, Miss Heidi Tempest and Dr Leonid Shapiro take a leap forwards into the brave new world of…A snoring markets awakens
1 July 2016Marc Kitten, Dr Joe Taylor and Floris Wentholt explore the market for CPAP in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).What time is it?
1 June 2016Candesic`s Dr Joe Taylor considers the journey ahead for learning disability services.New Opportunities in Real Estate
1 May 2016Dr Leonid Shapiro commented on the new opportunities in real estateNHS dental contract reform
1 May 2016Dr Leonid Shapiro looks at how the new dental contract, scheduled for implementation in 2017, is likely to change the…Home is where the care should be
1 April 2016Dr Joe Taylor reviews trends in the provision of residential services for looked after children, arguing growing demand requires innovation…A new dawn?
1 March 2016Candesic's Michelle Tempest asks if 2016 will finally be the year MedTech really takes off.What can be done to help rocket boost MedTech into everyday healthcare?
5 February 2016Dr Michelle Tempest is on the guest blog on 2020health.The Dynamic Shift: People want to access MedTech at home
4 February 2016Dr Michelle Tempest, Senior Partner at Candesic, is once again on the guest blog on 2020health.The Year for UK Medical Technology (MedTech)
3 February 2016Candesic Senior Partner Dr Michelle Tempest is on the guest blog on 2020health.