Article Type: Insights

  • Opportunities to blow your mind

    22 December 2020
    For all those wanting to beat the blues before Christmas and get some of Candesic’s clear thinking in these chaotic…
  • Birth Beyond Borders

    3 December 2020
    The patchwork of regulation governing IVF treatment in Europe could be seen as a significant barrier to IVF providers looking…
  • Best Practices: Scaling in Healthtech

    27 November 2020
    Candesic's Dr Michelle Tempest was the panelist at "Best Practices: Scaling in Healthtech", hosted by The Healthtech Exchange. Michelle has…
  • Inspiring Leaders – Dr Michelle Tempest

    26 November 2020
    Candesic's Dr Michelle Tempest has been featured as the inspiring leaders in an article published by the RSA Group. Michelle shares…
  • Private equity targeting €1.2bn Mediq

    18 November 2020
    Mediq, the Top European medicalised homecare player in 13 countries worth c. €1.2bn is up for sale. Candesic's Marc Kitten spoke…
  • Personalised medicine: Personalised mental health services

    18 November 2020
    Can personalised medicine be used in mental health services? Candesic's Dr Michelle Tempest shared her knowledge at a panel from the…
  • Candesic & Children’s Services

    4 November 2020
    Candesic's Dr Michelle Tempest speaks to the Financial Times about the need for investment interest in UK children's services. "Investors…
  • Health Data & Covid-19

    25 September 2020
    Health data has the potential to revolutionise care, and this has come to the fore during the pandemic.
  • Does health data help save lives?

    21 September 2020
    During a pandemic, how is health data used by GP practices and hospital trusts to improve patient management, care and…
  • Driving patient recovery

    1 September 2020
    As technology advances, patient transport has the potential to move from traditional ambulance and standard taxi services to far more…