Article Sector: MedTech

  • Voluntary role

    16 July 2024
    As the number and complexity of clinical trials rises, participants are an increasingly precious resource.In an online piece for PharmaTimes,…
  • Have your say!

    29 May 2024
    NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) has set out its proposals for moving towards a more integrated, rules-based…
  • In conversation with Tim Clover

    21 May 2024
    The latest interview in our regular "Candesic in conversation with" series sees us chatting with Tim Clover, CEO of UK-based ophthalmology medical…
  • Ifs, bots and maybes

    22 April 2024
    As fans of numerous science fiction series know (Matrix, Terminator, et al. we are looking at you), before too long…
  • Brain – an engine that drives the world!

    15 January 2024
    Dr Michelle Tempest, Senior Partner at Candesic, is the co-author of "The Brain Economy: Advancing Brain Science to Better Understand the Modern…
  • What’s in store for healthtech investment in 2024?

    21 December 2023
    What is in store for healthtech investment in 2024? Candesic Senior Partner Dr Michelle Tempest shares her views with HealthInvestor. Beyond the expectation of further…
  • Dr Michelle Tempest driving the brain capital initiative

    15 September 2023
    We are thrilled to announce Candesic Senior Partner Dr Michelle Tempest, continues to drive the exciting brain capital initiative with…
  • EAP on the rise- what took so long?

    18 July 2023
    Marc Kitten, Senior Partner at Candesic shares his expertise on Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) which over the years have evolved…
  • Robotic surgery on the rise

    22 June 2023
    Dr Michelle Tempest, Senior Partner at Candesic and author of “Big Brain Revolution: Artificial Intelligence Spy or Saviour?" discusses the…
  • Can drone technology lift healthcare to new heights?

    15 May 2023
    Candesic on the cover of May issue LaingBuisson HealthcareMarkets UK. Dr Michelle Tempest and Dr Joe Taylor investigate drone technology and…