News Article
Technology for Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Perspectives from India and the NHS
On Monday, September 23, The Royal Society of Medicine is hosting a webinar entitled Technology for Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Perspectives from India and the NHS.
The event is designed to promote the technology workstream of the Lancet Citizens’ Commission on Reimagining India’s Health System and facilitate the sharing of best practices between India’s Universal Health Coverage and the UK NHS.
In an early afternoon session at the all-day event, Dr Michelle Tempest, Senior Partner at Candesic, will be examining the investment trends in HealthTech within the UK and Indian markets alongside Lavanya Bhamidipati (VC Investor, InHealth Ventures) and Namit Chugh (VC Investor, W Health Ventures).
Topics will include barriers and enablers to healthcare technology adoption, ethical and technical considerations in handling patient data, and the innovative use cases for emerging technologies in healthcare.
To see the full agenda and book your ticket, click below.
Planning on attending? We would love to hear your thoughts before or after the event. Email [email protected].