News Article

Dr Michelle Tempest attended private breakfast roundtable hosted by Policy Exchange

4 July 2023

Senior Partner at Candesic Dr Michelle Tempest kicked off this week with a private Policy Exchange breakfast roundtable moderated by Dr Sean Phillips with a special guest of honour- former Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care, Professor The Hon Greg Hunt.

The event was titled “Different systems, similar challenges: Lessons from Australia for Healthcare Reform”. Open discussion focused on how medical systems must adapt to support an aging population, provide a sustainable workforce pipeline, incubate and scale innovative technologies, and how the UK-Australian healthcare alliance be strengthened.

Among those in attendance were:

• Professor Nora Colton (Inaugural Director UCL Global Business School for Health)
• Hon Alexander Downer (Chair of Trustees & Policy Exchange | Former Minister for Foreign Affairs and Australian High Commissioner to the UK)
• Robert Ede (Special Advisor Department of Health and Social Care | Head of Health and Social Care Policy Exchange)
• David Furness (Director of Policy and Delivery at Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN))
• Alex Kafetz (Director (International Projects) at Beamtree)
• Dr David Landau (Senior Fellow Policy Exchange | Retired consultant oncologist)
• James Morris MP (Former Under Secretary of State for Primary Care and Patient Safety | Member Health & Social Care Select Committee)
• Dr Sean Phillips (Head of Health and Social Care | Chair Policy Exchange)
• Katie Tait (PR and Public Affairs Director Maggie’s Centres)
• Lord Tugendhat (Life Peer | House of Lords; former Chairman | Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
• Will Warburton (Managing Director The Shelford Group)

Sincere thank you to Policy Exchange for hosting this special event!